Aimé Tschiffely - Long Rider



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Aimé Tschiffely Memorial Ride

The Swiss have woken up to the fact that they gave birth to a hero!

In 2012 Peter van der Gugten, Swiss Long Rider, organised a "Sternritt" - literally "Star Ride".  That is a ride where several people converge on one place from a number of different directions.

In 2012, the riders all headed for Tschiffely's birthplace, the town of Zofingen. On the right is an article which appeared about it in the German magazine "Mein Pferd".

Aimé Tschiffely Memorial Ride will take place on 5th-7th July 2013. Closing date for anyone wishing to participate is 15th June.  Please contact Alexander Lüchinger on  People are coming from as far away as Argentina and Lithuania!

And a representative of the Japanese Long Riders, Satoe Matsui, has already visited Aimé's birthplace of Zofingen. Pictured right is an article about that visit.

The connection between Japan and Switzerland is not instantly obvious! But just as Aimé Tschiffely was the greatest Long Rider from the West, the greatest Long Rider from the East was Baron Yasumasa Fukushima   (1852-1919). This descendant of a noble Samurai family was sent to Berlin, Germany on military duty in 1892. When the time came to return home, the dashing Japanese horseman elected to ride his horse Gaisen, (Triumphant Return) 14,000 kilometers from Berlin to Tokyo, Japan. A fellow soldier, General Rafael de Nogales, described the equestrian explorer thus, "Fukushima’s courage, drive and exuberant cheerfulness were amazing.  For a man like this nothing was impossible."

Satoe is kindly looking for living Japanese Long Riders, and we hope that next year there will be some who can attend the Ride.

We hope that this Memorial Ride will become an annual event: if anyone would like more information, please contact the Long Riders Guild.

The 2013 Memorial Ride was a huge success, with Long Riders coming from South Africa, Germany, Argentina and Lithuania!


All information and images on this website copyright (c) 2008-2020 The Aimé Tschiffely Literary Estate, Basha O'Reilly, Executor.

Click on picture to visit The Long Riders' Guild website.

Click on picture to visit The Long Riders Guild Academic Foundation website

Click on picture to visit the Horse Travel Books website