Aimé Tschiffely - Long Rider



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Mancha and Gato

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Violeta Tschiffely

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Violeta Tschiffely - page 2

"Why I followed Mary" by Violet Tschiffely, published in The Standard on April 11th, 1945. 

This article has suffered in the sixty-three ensuing years, but this is how it starts:

"Well, it began like this.  I had just finished sewing and fixing my black-out curtains and was anxious to know whether they conformed to the very strict regulations so I decided to go and ask the local Air-Raid Warden whether they were satisfactory.  Both he and his wife said they were and as I was leaving their house I mentioned that I was most anxious to be of some use in the event of the expected raids.  Whereupon the Warden's wife asked me to accompany her to the First Aid Post to which she was going that same evening."

Click on the image on the left and right to read more.

The photograph on the left shows Aimé in his study in his flat in London's fashionable Chelsea area, with Don Roberto's statue on the top of the bookshelf.

Click on picture to enlarge it.












Juan Peron, President of Argentina from 1946 to 1955 and from 1973 to 1974, wrote to Violeta shortly after Aimé's death (on 4th February 1954).  He writes, "He recibido su atenta carta del 27 de Enero, enviada por intermedio del ministro Hogan y le agradezco muchisimo que me brinde la oportunidad de ser grato a la memoria de su difunto esposo, nuestro querido compatriota don Aimé Tschiffely, disponiendo que sus restos sean trasladados a nuestro pais, para descansar en la tierra que adopto como suya en la vide y eligio después para siempre, en su ultima voluntad.   Accedo gusioso a sus deseos, que son los mismos de todos los buenos deportistas argentinos, que conservan el recuerdo de aquel famoso raid, exitosamente realizado con sus caballos criollos Mancha y Gato, y valoran también cuánto hizo por el conocimiento del pais, al través de sus interesantes libros.  Puede pues contar, señora, con que serán satisfechos sus enhelos, y me permito también ofrecerle a usted, además, arbitrar todos los medios para que - si asi fueran sus deseos - pueda venir a radicarse en nuestro pais, asgurándole que será muy grato para nosotros, que se decida a convivir aqui, donde tanto cariño y simpatia ha ganado, con apreciables méritos, su recordado esposo.  Retribuyo su gentilisimo saludado haciéndola llegar mis mejores votos y el testimonio de mi especial y distinguida consideración."

Long Rider Raul Vasconcellos has kindly translated this rather stilted letter as follows (slightly edited by the webmaster):

"I have received your kind letter dated January 27, sent with the assistance of the minister Hogan and I greatly thank you for giving me the opportunity to be grateful to the memory of your deceased husband, our lovely countryman Mr. Aimé Tschiffely, by arranging that his remains would be transported to our country, to rest in the land that he adopted like his own in life and he selected later for ever, in his last wishes.

I accept with pleasure your wishes, that  all the good Argentine sportsmen, who keep the memories of that famous journey, successfully completed with his "Criollo" horses Mancha y Gato, and they prize also his effort for the knowledge of the country, through his interesting books.

You may count, lady, that your desires will be satisfied, and I may permit myself also to offer you  - if these are your wishes - to live permanently in our Country, guaranteeing that we would be very grateful, if you decided to live here where your husband gained so much affection and sympathy, with his achievements.

I return your polite salute and send you my best desires and the testimony of special and distinguished consideration."

Click on the image on the left and right to read more.  The original letter is at Canning House.











Copy of a letter to Aimé's literary agent, with a copy of the grant of probate.  This letter mentions that future royalties are to be sent to Lady Polwarth.

This is the grant of probate, which states that Violeta died on 20th December 1980.


All information and images on this website copyright (c) 2008-2020 The Aimé Tschiffely Literary Estate, Basha O'Reilly, Executor.

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